Friday, July 11, 2014

Beauty, Bears, and Beer

Thursday was such an eventful day I had to post about it before I leave for another work trip. I took the bus into work and then went for a run around Auke Lake, a trail I had been hearing about all summer but still hadn't set foot on. My office building actually looks out over it, so it was tantalizingly close. Well, it was awesome! 
Looking out at Auke Lake

Chillin with my bear spray after the run
Later that day at work I was sitting at my desk on the computer when all of a sudden.... I SAW A BEAR RIGHT OUTSIDE THE OFFICE! The other woman in my office room and I watched it sniffing around and I was so excited I stood up on my desk to get better pictures. By that time the rest of the office had heard the commotion so we all went outside to watch it. It walked all around the front of the building and then eventually went back into the woods. 

Cinnamon colored black bear cub- so cute right?!
Then after work I went to The Alaskan brewery (the best local beer here) with some people from the bunkhouse. We got to tour the brewery and tried a lot of free samples. I basically got tipsy for zero dollars. That night I watched a movie with my neighbors at the bunkhouse. What a great day! Today I'm prepping for our work trip to Prince of Wales. Mark, Di and I leave tomorrow morning! 

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